Membership Definition

To strengthen and support the non-discrimination policy of the Wisconsin Association for Home and Community Education, the WAHCE Executive Board has decided to define and clarify the term “membership”.

Membership in WAHCE entitles all individuals who are living in the same household to take part in the activities of the organization.

  • Members enrolled in clubs will be listed on the Membership Roll form available under Forms on the WAHCE website ( Listing will be by household.
    • Example:  In the case where a husband wishes to be listed along with his wife, the membership Roll would read Mary & John Smith as members.
    • Example:  If the husband does not wish to be listed with his wife, or in the case of a woman or man living alone, she/he would be listed Betty or Bill Brown as member.
  • Individual Members are at the county level only (Independent, Member-at-Large, etc.) would be listed on the county Membership Roll in the same manner.

For State purposes, each member household will count as one member when paying State dues and reporting member count to the State.  The total number of individuals in each household will not be reported to the State.

For county purposes, each member household will count as one member when sending county newsletters and copying lesson materials.  Voting privileges for member households remain as currently stated for members in the county’s bylaws or constitution. 

When completing the Affirmative Action form, also available on the WAHCE website, clubs are reminded to count and include all individuals listed in the member households, as well as the gender and ethnicity of such members in the statistics.

For over 60 years, the programs and focus of WAHCE has been to work for the preservation of home and community life as stated in our creed.  Our hope is that this defining of membership will make it clear that all are welcome to participate in the activities of the organization.

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