Oconto County HCE is a member of the Wisconsin Association for Home and Community Education (HCE).
Wisconsin Association for Home and Community Education is an educational, charitable, nonprofit organization. Membership is open to all persons without regard to sex, creed, race, color, ethnic background, or economic circumstances. Individual and club memberships are available.
To become a member of HCE…please contact one of your HCE Membership Chairs.
2018 Oconto County HCE Executive Board:
President: Joy Campshure, Oconto WI
Vice President/Education Coordinator: Joann Swanson,
Secretary: Margaret Hornick, Oconto WI
Treasurer: Judy Hill, Kimberly, WI
Additional Executive Board Members: Chairs of Cultural and Textile Arts, International,Marketing/Membership, Newsletter Editor, Family Living Agent, President of each club (or designated member of each club); and one individual member.