The Rib Falls HCE Club

Rib Falls HCE Members, left to right: Judy R., Debbie H., Carol U., Kelly S., Terri S., Arlyn H, Dianne O, and Gloria K. (photo submitted by Judy B.)

Our club is proud to celebrate our 100th year as an organized club in October. We currently have 8 members. We meet once a month on the second Wednesday in the afternoon, dessert and refreshments are served by a hostess. This year we learned how to make Ice Candles from one of the member’s daughter’s crafty abilities. The granddaughter of a member gave a talk on her experiences serving with the mission trips thru a program called “Empower a Child”.

Members helped at the Brat Fry held at Trigs in Wausau, the money going towards scholarships and books for the Head Start Reading Program of Marathon County. We collected 30 pairs of mittens to be handed out along with the books to the youngsters. One member has been volunteering to be a reader with the program. The Spring collection for the Circle of Joy was held in April.

Members attended the County Learning Day and brought back the new craft ideas they have learned. County Day, was the 100th anniversary of the county organization, member Carol Uekert, County historian for over 30 years, presented the history of the county organization. Members attended the District Meeting held in Wausau, the theme being “HCE Keeps Me Smiling”.

At another meeting, a member’s father-in-law gave a talk on genealogy and showed his albums he has kept thru the years. Every year we conduct a variety auction with proceeds going to a charity, ranging from the local First Responders, to the Circle of Joy, Ronald McDonald House and many others over the years. Pennies for Friendship is always collected along with yearly dues.

In October our club held an “Open House” to celebrate our 100th anniversary as an organization. It was started October 24, 1919. Former members, family members of former members, town board members, as well as County HCE officers and the other County HCE clubs were also invited. A display was shown of projects our club members took part in over the years, including making baby quilts to fidget quilts. Another table was a display of craft items made by members. The Marathon County Historical Society allowed us to show some dresses from the early 1900’s, along with hats, and shoes, and a poster our club made of the Township. It was well attended and many guests commented on the lasting friendships built thru our HCE Club.

Judy Baeseman, President Rib Falls HCE

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